Analytical Products and Services provided by hellotax for Amazon Selling Partners


hellotax Global S.L.
C/ Versalles, 3C
03560 El Campello
Alicante, Spanien

CIF: B54751110
EUID: ES03026.000432500
DUNS: 465561626

hellotax is is a B2B service provider which offers tax assistance to clients in tax matters.

Scope of Service

hellotax offers its users SaaS services in the area of business software in connection with tax support in the area of sales tax for e-commerce merchants via the Internet. The subject matter of the contract is the provision of the Provider's software for use via the Internet and the storage of the User's data (data hosting) as well as the collection, preparation and processing of transaction data for VAT registration, including in the member states of the European Union, the United States and the United Kingdom.

Data Used by the Provider

hellotax exclusively acquires information via the integration which is required for the complete and legally compliant preparation and provision of the customer's VAT return.


We do not collect data about Authorized Users' or customers' businesses obtained through the Amazon Integration to share, sell, or otherwise use to third parties, including competing Authorized Users or third party companies. We do not promote, disclose, or share any insights into the business of Amazon or Authorized Users or their customers, and we do not use any insights into the business of Amazon or Authorized Users or their customers for our own business purposes. All Services and Products are compliant with Sections 4.4 and 4.5 of Amazon's Acceptable Use Policy.